An informed decision is the best kind. We want you to know you’re making the best choice when you work with us.
Here are a few links to resources and some quick videos to help you educate yourself before making any big decisions.
NM Foreclosure laws and procedures
5-Star rated residential remodeling and construction company
USBC offers free, government-funded housing counseling and legal assistance
HUD: Help to avoid foreclosure
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Mortgage Loan Modification Programs: general overview
We use what’s called “subject to” in a lot of our deals to help us have the flexibility to make you the best offer for your property. It’s important to understand how it works so check out this brief YouTube video to get a better understanding of how it all works.
Below are a few of our favorite videos that cover financial literacy topics to help you learn how to create better outcomes for yourself and your family. We aren’t affiliated with any of these YouTube channels and are just sharing to get you started on your financial wellness journey!
We may not know the secret recipe to KFC’s chicken seasoning, but hopefully we helped you learn a thing or two today. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you get started on your next adventure! Contact us today!