Calculate Your Cash Offer

Use our handy, dandy cash offer calculator to see your estimated profits when you decide to work with us! Stress, frustration and wasted time, not included.

We don’t record data or need your information to use it. Heck, we won’t even know you’re here unless you tell us, you sneaky little ninja.

These numbers are just to give you an idea based off of broad assumptions about current market conditions. Even if the numbers don’t look great or you have special circumstances, we may still be able to work something out or give you some education on your options. We’d bend over backwards to help but our backs are a little stiff from all the shambling.

Pro tip: If the calculator won’t work on your phone, you may need to switch over to “desktop site” mode in your phone’s browser settings.. or get retro and use an actual desktop pc! We’re showing our age here, aren’t we?

If you want to learn more, fill out the contact form below or give us a call! We’ll answer your questions and get you started on this awesome adventure. Just don’t ask us what’s in KFC’s proprietary fried chicken seasoning blend… we’ve been trying for years but they still won’t tell us.

*Estimates are based off the current average market house values in your area and the national averages of cost of repairs such as cost of materials and labor. These are very broad estimates, only intended to give you a general idea and help you make an informed decision. 
An official offer will be made in writing after a full inspection of the property and confirmation of all relevant information needed to make a proper assessment. . but you probably already knew that cuz you’re one smart cookie! We feel like you’d be chocolate chip or maybe peanut butter, if we had to guess what kind.